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Created by Gonzalo Alvarez

Game Introduction

A hand-drawn local multiplayer brawler where two prehistoric tribes compete to hunt, kill, and return a large boss creature to their base, in a game of capture the flag.

Use the meat and creature's parts to unlock new unique weapons and create your own hunting strategies. Pray to the deity of your choice to unlock powerful attacks you can summon during battle!

Defeat unique prehistoric bosses to unlock new areas and discover what mysterious creatures and inhabitants lie at the end of the world.

Beat'em Up , brawler,
Control a tribe of 4 unique characters alone, with, or against your friends as you compete to hunt down, kill, and return the prehistoric boss creature of the area before the opposing team.
Target audience & platforms
People interested in a pick up-and-play couch co-op game for up to 4 players, short fast-paced gaming sessions, asymmetrical strategy, and hunting down large creatures in a prehistoric setting.
Look and Feel
A Hand-drawn cave art styled game with quirky creatures and characters. Fast paced with fluid controls where skill and strategy determines the winner.

How to Play

Players create a tribe of 4 unique characters that they can switch between to compete against an opposing tribe in hunting down, killing, and returning the boss creature of the area back to their base.

Up to 4 players can play locally and be a part of either tribe. Characters not controlled by a player will become an AI until controlled. 

Both teams will also choose a deity of their choice that grants a special attack once they have dealt enough damage to the boss. 

This mechanic rewards players to play the objective and promotes dealing damage to the boss creature as these special moves can change the tide of the game.

When the game starts, both teams will be placed on opposite sides of the map and will be tasked to find the room with the boss. Each room will randomly contain smaller creatures, obstacles, and enemy players that will try to kill the player and deplete their lifepool. Once a teams life pool of 15 lives has been depleted, that team is out of the game. 

Bosses will each have their own fighting style that players will have to strategize to overcome and kill while surviving against it and the enemy team. Once the boss is killed, a meat item will drop that initiates the second half of the game where both teams fight to grab and return it back to their base for the win.


Meat was as valuable as gold in the prehistoric era when man was forced to hunt to live another day. Now you must build your own tribe and survive against the many dangers of the wilderness. You will face opposing tribes and dangerous creatures in your hunts to find large beast that can feed an entire tribe while providing supplies to create powerful new tools. This new tools will allow your tribe to migrate to new lands and conquer stronger beast's and foe with the ultimate goal of finding out what mysteries lie at the end of the world.

Promotional Material and Prototype

Prototype build of the game with only the basic mechanics and game play loop. (not final artwork and much of it is subject to change)

Key Features

Heads Up Display (HUD)

 example of the HUD

SUMMON BAR TOP LEFT - Fills up red as you hit the boss creature. Once filled can unleash your deity's super attack.

MAP TOP RIGHT - Shows the different rooms available, teams player's location, and boss location once its been discovered.

LIVES BOTTOM LEFT - Displays the teams remaining number of respawns.

CHARACTER HEALTH-  BOTTOM LEFT-RIGHT Displays the 4 characters class and life. Symbol represents character class, and dots represent 5 points of life. Dots are lost as player takes damage. Color used to distinguish different human players. (EXAMPLE: Player 1 is blue, and when he switches to another character, that characters icon will be blue.)


Paleo Hunter will have a variety of asymmetrical characters with unique weapons and abilities unlocked by defeating the various boss creatures in the game's single player.

The main 4 classes will be spear, hammer, bow, and shamans, but will also include specialized characters. 

Each character will have their own normal attack, special attack, and evade depending on the character.

AbilitiesWasp WarriorSpear WarriorFrog WarriorSaber Warrior
AttackHammer: Smash AttackSpear: Stab AttackHammer: Smash AttackClaws: Slash Attack
Special AttackRanged attack: Summon waspsRanged attack: Spear ThrowMelee attack: Inflate spikes for larger radiusMid-range attack: Foward Leap Slash


The Boss creatures are the central focus of the game. These will range from real to fantasy prehistoric creatures that each have their own fighting style. Some may fight from up close, far away, or behind cover and players will have to strategically create their tribes to defeat these creatures.

Upon defeating these creatures, players will use the resources acquired to unlock armor/weapon sets based on the creature that will grant new move sets and abilities. 

Level Design

The game will feature different areas and biome's such as forest, jungle, tundra's, plains, mountains, deserts, and many more places with their own local creatures and bosses. The maps where players will compete in will be created through multiple rooms that are connected with randomized creatures and obstacles. Maps will also feature random events that are triggered such as environmental hazards and other ways of hurting or confusing the players.

Player View

                                      Multiplayer View for up to 4 players


                                        Single Player View 

Technical Requirements

Artwork will be created as 2d raster image files such as PNG.

Game Flow Chart

System Requirements

A computer with a decent amount of graphics.

A graphics card that supports OpenGL 3.2.

200 MB of memory.

Latest version of Java (Min. 1.8-111).

Windows 7 or Mac OS X Yosemite

Preferred Resolution: 1920x1080.

Game Architechture

The Game is programmed in Java with the LibGDX library.  No external engine is used.

User Interface (controls)



Checks if the actor allowed to move. It is not the Actor's responsibility to enforce this flag.
Parameters: N/A
Returns boolean: The flag that determines whether or not the actor can move.
Changes the animation sheet it is supposed to use, and gets the first frame from this Animation.
Parameters Animation: The Animation to change to. Currently, the game will fail if an Animation with 0 frames is passed to this method.
changeDuringAnimation(Animation a)
Changes the animation sheet it is supposed to use. The difference between changeAnimation and changeDuringAnimation is that changeAnimation will use the current time elapsed to determine what frame the Actor needs to be on.
Parameters Animation: The Animation to change to. Currently, the game will fail if an Animation with 0 frames is passed to this method.
update(float delta)
This is run at each iteration of the game loop. It keeps track of time elapsed and plays through the animation it holds.
render(Batch batch)
Draws the current frame onto the screen.
Parameter Batch batch: The Batch from the current game State.


update(float delta)
update(float delta) is run during each iteration of the game loop.
Parameter float delta: The time in milliseconds since this method was last called. Delta is used to manage frame rates, and is primarily used to create FPS-independent movement, and for updating timers.
render(SpriteBatch batch)
Draws graphics on the screen.
Parameter SpriteBatch batch: The object to put all drawing instructions in. At the end of the game loop, the batch will perform all drawing instructions at once.
This is run when the State is first loaded into game loop.
This is run when the state leaves the game loop.




update(float delta)
Checks if the trigger conditions are met. If so, then run(Actor a) is invoked. Parameter Float delta: The time between each iteration of the game loop.
run(Actor a)
A set of instructions that must be run when trigger conditions are met.
Actor a: The Actor that triggered the event.


Non-inherited Variables:

generateBody(OverheadMap map)
Generates the bodies in the specified map. Parameter OverheadMap map: The map to put the new bodies in.