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Leg It

Leg It

Created by Darragh Cummins

Game Introduction

A Platformer is the best genre I can give for this game
It will be a fun sidescroller game, where you will enjoy playing the bad guy for once.
Target audience & platforms
The primary target is, well, anyone really. Anyone with a love for games or who wants to start trying games out but doesn't want to buy the brand new Mario game.
Look and Feel
The game will look and feel as though you are free as you could ever possibly be, with nothing to challenge your freedom.


The Story of Leg It revolves around a character called 'Yoink'. He is a Villain, who enjoys playing pranks on Heroes and doing things of little evil, but major inconvenience. He is trying to get to the next building where a Hero works in order to draw something unflattering on it. While making his way there he runs into various other Heroes on their patrols, and they need to stop him. Of course, that doesn't mean Yoink is gonna go down easy.

How to Play

The Gameplay for this will not be unlike that of Mario, with a character running from one side to another in order to get to the end of the level. Using 'A' and 'D' to move from side to side, and the space bar to jump, you will be faced with various obstacles and enemies, but you can fight back.

You will have two slots on your screen, one for a power up, and one for a weapon. An example of a Power-Up would be: Frost Breath, which freezes your enemies. And an example of a possible weapon would be a Stop Sign.

User Interface (controls)

The usual WASD controls apply here, though you can changes them so that the arrow keys are the controls. Space bar to jump, which is an important part of it, and you will use your mouse to fight. Left click to swing your weapon, right click to use your power-up. Of course you could always ignore fighting and just jump over their heads.

W = Climb Up Ladder, Go Inside

A = Move Left

D = Move Right

S = Climb Down Ladder, Duck

Space Bar = Jump

Left Click = Swing Weapon

Right Click = Use Power Up

Q = Switch Weapon

E = Switch Power Up

Artwork (design)

The Artwork will be 3D but 2D. Or maybe 2D but 3D. The reference I'm going for here is the New Super Mario Bros for DS. 3D models, 2D platforming.

My game will probably look like the other picture, though with more of an urban feel to it, rather than a desert temple.

Heads Up Display (HUD)

For a game like this there wouldn't technically be a HUD, but I realised that you have to show your lives and current power-ups and weapons somewhere.

At the top left of the screen there will be a little chibi figure of Yoink, with the number of lives to his left, and his health to his right. The figure will change the less health he has.

On the top-right-corner will be two black boxes, the left one showing your current weapon, and the right your current power-up.


The Protagonist of the game will be Yoink. The base model will be the image below, but the customisation screen will allow you to alter your appearance. Yoink is a Villain who specialises in pranking Heroes. That is what he sets out to do, and what you have to help him do.

Global Elements

The Elements of this story consist of similar elements to that of Mario games. Enemies that move, some that shoot projectiles, and occasional environmental hazards.

This is a little example of what a level may look like, with the door acting as a small ramp in order to jump over the stage hazard, which in this case is the drop between the too buildings. The Stop Sign floating in the air is a weapon that Yoink can use, and could be considered a neutral object if he doesn't pick it up.

The camera view would be third person and view Yoink from the side, but you can also switch to first person should you choose to, in order to increase difficulty.

Player View

Global Elements

The background noise will consist of the usual city noises, but the noises themselves vary depending on the time.

The sound effects used will be based on the various obstacles and Enemies Yoink must overcome.

Because this is meant to be a fast paced and fun game I picked background music that I personally feel like would make a game more enjoyable.

Splash Screens

While I unfortunately do not have an animation of Yoink on the splash screen, I do have the next best thing.

Replace Mickey with Yoink and slow him down about... 50%. That is the splash screen. Yoink walking up an endless fire escape. 

In the background this music will be playing: