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Pollution Dilution

Pollution Dilution

Created by Esmee MacPherson

Game Introduction

Pollution Dilution is a first person adventure game for PC where you must clean up the planet before mankind destroy it. This game is based on Global Warming. Can you save the planet?
Pollution Dilution is an adventure and educational game. You explore the Rain Forest and collect rubbish before the world becomes too hot.
Your objective is to collect as much rubbish before the the world becomes too warm. It's you vs. mankind. When you collect a piece of litter, the temperature lowers but only for a short time, you must continue to keep the temperature at a steady level or else the world will become too hot and GAME OVER!
Target audience & platforms
My target audience is everyone, this game will be suitable for everyone to play, it will have easy controls and the message is relevant to everyone. It will be playable on Windows XP and Mac OS
Look and Feel
My game will be very cartoon like. I won't put much time into textures as I don't want it to be at all realistic.
The game will be primarily from third person perspective but there will be an option to play from first person perspective.

Story Overview

Everyday the world is being destroyed by pollution caused by humans. The world naturally changes climate over thousands of years but never at the accelerated rate it currently is. The reason the world is changing so fast is due to our reckless and selfish behaviours. If we don't make a change soon, earth may become unsuitable to support life. This game is to bring awareness to the issue of Global Warming.

You are tree from the rainforest trying to save the planet. You must venture through the vast Rain Forest before the world becomes too hot and is destroyed


Human's are polluting the earth
Rainforests help to reduce the effects of worldwide climate change, they recycle water and regulate levels of carbon dioxide. They are essential for keeping the air clean not to mention the vast life it supports. Due to the huge population growth there has been a major increase in pollution and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The amazon rainforest has shrunk by 20%, 150 acres are removed every minute of everyday! 50% of plants and animals on earth live in the rainforest. If we do not start making a change then we will lose many species of animals and destroy the world we live in.
Make A Difference
A tree has witnessed the evil on human first hand and decides it is going to make a difference before it's too late and their home is ruined. The tree will clean up any pollution it comes across in the hopes to save it's home before the 'Evil Man' destroy's it completely.
Keep the temperate down
On the Tree's adventure through the Amazon Rainforest it will come across pollution and have to clean it up as quickly as possible. Each piece of rubbish will lower the temperature. The longer you play the game the faster the temperature rises.


Time Of Day
It is early afternoon for the whole game.
The Rainforest
The game starts out in a Rainforest, you are on the forest floor. The ground is riddled in rubbish such as plastic bags, bottles, tyres etc. The track will be clear, it will be a dirt track in amongst the vast forest. There are many routes to take. The light comes down in streams from the gaps between trees. Only about 2% of the sunlight gets to the ground floor of the Rainforest. The rubbish will be lit in the areas of light.

How to Play

The rules of the game are to collect as much rubbish in the time you're given, each time you collect an item the temperature goes down but it quickly goes back up. The game goes on till the player fails and the world becomes too hot, each time you play you try beat your time.



  1. Move Forward~ W
  2. Move Backward~ S
  3. Move Left~ A
  4. Move Right~ D
  5. Collect Item~ E
  6. Jump~ SPACE BAR
  7. Run~ W+SHIFT


There will be two characters in the game. 

The player will be the tree.

The other character is an evil man who will be seen in an animation in the intro to the game, he will be littering and once again he will be seen at the end if you are defeated.

Tree Character

This Character will be you, the player. The tree will be smaller than the rest of the trees in the forest so that the scale of the rubbish wont be huge along the path.

The legs will be the root of the trees, and the arms the branches.

The Tree can run, walk and jump.
The Tree will smaller than all the other trees in the forest. It will be very cartoon like and not at all realistic.
The Tree will not have a voice. Actions speak louder than words.

Evil Man

This Man will be seen dropping rubbish before the game starts and will appear in the outdo if you lose the game. He will be wearing a suit and a hat and be short and fat.

The Evil Man drops all the rubbish and destroying the Rainforest.
The evil man will also be very cartoon like and not at all realistic. He will be small with a large head.
The Evil Man does not speak but has an evil laugh.

Audio & Sound F/X

To create ambience the game will have peaceful forest sounds mixed with some music to add tension to set the scene of tension after all it is a mission to save the planet.

The sound should set the scene of being a rainforest but so the player doesn't become too relaxed there will be music added to the forest sounds to keep the player alert to the task at hand.

Without music the game would get very boring very fast.


There will be sounds that come from your character when you pick up rubbish, walk and jump.

The Evil Man will laugh as he carelessly destroys the planet.

Key Features

Game Architecture

Heads Up Display (HUD)

The thermometer will be at the corner of the screen letting you know the temperature thus how much time you have left before your game is over.

Your score will be at the other side of the screen.