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Hillbilly vs Zombies

Hillbilly vs Zombies

Created by kain bradley

Game Introduction

Hillbillys vs Zombies is a third-person survival shooter. The main aim of the game is to survive endless rounds of zombies for as long as possible. To do this, the player will be provided with a variety of weapons and ammo to fight off the zombies. They can also heal themselves if they are low on health. Using these weapons and healing, they must try and survive for as long as they can.
Shooter Survival
The players will have to use various weapons to shoot off zombies and kill them off each round. Once the player has killed all the zombies that round he will then be giving time to stock up and heal, and then the process repeats until the player dies.
Target audience & platforms
The primary target for this game is young teens to middle aged adults. Everyone in between this age bracket will enjoy and understand the humour that is trying to be portrayed in this game.
Look and Feel
The game will be in third-person. The player will be able to move around the world and see the world around them. The player can run jump crouch and shoot as they fight there way through the endless rounds of zombies.


The world is faced with a zombie-apocalypse. Everywhere you look, there are flesh eating maniacs. You, the player, wake up  in Bitter Springs, in your cosy trailer park to find out that the world has gone to despair. You walk outside to see that the residents are all zombies that want to eat your face. You must fight off these zombies and protect your trailer park with all you've got.

How to Play

Artwork (design)

The Artwork and Design of the game will be made using the Unity Engine. The player models and surrounding environment will be created using the Unity assets store. Required assets will be then used for things like the player, the zombies, weapons, healings, ground, buildings and area surrounding the player. 

Technical Requirements

  • The game will be in third-person giving the player full control of there character and the world around them.
  • The game will be all inside a 3d sandbox. The whole games and everything in it takes place inside this sandboxed environment.
  • Different items like zombies and weapons will have to spawn and despawn from the game when a round starts or finishes.
  • Different weapons will have different levels of damage.
  • Different zombies will have different levels of damage resistance.
  • Every time a new round starts, a fresh batch of zombies will have to be spawned into the world.
  • Blood textures when zombies are shot at or when the player is hit by a zombie.
  • Every 5 rounds, a zombie boss will be only spawned in to fight the player.
  • When a player uses a health potion, it will bring there health up by 50.

Heads Up Display (HUD)

The HUD will include the players


The different characters in the game will include


The player is the character in which the person playing the game will control. 

Zombie 1

This is the first variety of zombie in which you will have to kill. Zombie 1 will be a generic styled zombie who has normal walking speed and normal damage resistance. The player will see this variety of zombie the most as its the most average zombie in the game.

Zombie 2

This is variety of zombie is a more fast paced zombie. They will have fast speeds and will run at you, but their damage resistance and their damage to the player will be lower than the average zombie. They will act as a sort of annoyance towards the player.

Zombie 3

This variety of zombie will be a lot bigger than the average zombie, but will be a lot more slower too. Their damage resistance will be high, meaning they will be hard to kill, and their damage the towards the player will be high, meaning they will inflict high levels of damage to the player.


The Boss is a special type of character. He will show up every 5 rounds. The player will then have to fight off this boss. The boss will be bigger and faster than your average zombie, making it difficult for the player to defeat. 

Level Design

The level design for this game will run on a rounds based-system. This means that the player will start out on level or round 1. They will fight there way through 10 zombies and then round 1 will end. Then for round 2, the player will fight 15 zombies, and on and on. Every round more and more zombies will be introduced and as long as the player keeps surviving these rounds, they will keep going up. 

Player View

The player view will be seen from a third person perspective. This means the players view will be behind the character they are controlling. The player will have a full 360 degree view of their player and the world around them.

Game Flow Chart

Audio & Sound F/x

Different Audio in the game will be things like the background music. This will play in the background while the player plays through the game. Other audio and sound F/x will be for things like player movements, gun shots, zombie moans, healing, player damage and death sounds.

Technical Requirements

Technical Requirements for the audio content will include

Player Elements

When the player starts up the game, they will be greeted with some background music while in the menu. This can be turned off in the options menu. When they load up the game, some of the different types of sounds they will experience are player movements. When the player moves, you will hear there footsteps. When the player shoots a gun, you will hear gunshots. Doing damage to zombies will make them groan at you. When the player is damaged, they will groan themselves. The player will also make a death sound, indicating that the game is over.

Menu Fx

The menu will include different sounds for buttons and sliders. When you click on a button, a blood splat sound will happen as you press this button. When you move volume sliders you will hear a shotgun being reloaded when you click off the designated sound you want. 


The game will be only available on PC. system requirements wont be high as the graphics being used will directly from the unity engine. Some of the technical requirements to go over include

  • Low/Medium Specs required to play
  • Box collider for player 
  • Box collider for zombies
  • Box collider for bullets
  • Bullets need to able to interact and collide with the zombies causing them damage
  • Rigidbody for zombies when they die
  • Rigidbody for player when they die
  • Weapons can only shoot when they have ammo
  • Rounds based-system
  • Different items like zombies and weapons will have to spawn and despawn from the game when a round starts or finishes.
  • Different weapons will have different levels of damage.
  • Different zombies will have different levels of damage resistance.
  • Every time a new round starts, a fresh batch of zombies will have to be spawned into the world.
  • Blood textures when zombies are shot at or when the player is hit by a zombie.
  • Every 5 rounds, a zombie boss will be only spawned in to fight the player.
  • When a player uses a health potion, it will bring there health up by 50.

User Interface (controls)


The key elements of the game that could be promoted are

Key Features