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Created by Isaac Skidmore

Game Introduction

The point of salvos is to survive against anything that might try to attack you.
The movement in SALVOS is really simple.
Target audience & platforms
SALVOS is rated T for teen.
Look and Feel
The graphics in SALVOS are really simple. The game is an arcade style game, meaning the came is very pixelated and bright in coloring.

How to Play

SALVOS is a very simple game with simple game mechanics. Nothing about the gameplay in SALVOS feels unfamiliar. The point of SALVOS is to survive against different types of enemies on different levels. There are 2 different types of enemies: Cultists and Zombies.

Artwork (design)


In SALVOS, the main character is you! The first image provided is the sprite for the main character (player 1). The next two images provided are the sprites for the 2 enemies in SALVOS, the cultist and zombie.

Level Design

SALVOS has not yet began development on level design. The different levels of salvos are all based on the normal 2D level design for 2D games


SALVOS is currently under development. SALVOS is being developed in Gamemaker Studio 2.